Our Mission
The mission of the Employee Assistance Program is to contribute to a healthier work environment by assisting individuals with personal issues and by consulting with supervisors on individual employee and group concerns.
The EAP is committed to providing services that are welcoming and fair for everyone. Understanding diverse perspectives allows us to develop better overall solutions to the problems we face. The EAP has a continuous resolve to learn, identify and dismantle barriers, systems or actions that could exclude anyone from obtaining the highest quality care and support from our program.
Our Values
- The EAP staff shall be available to all eligible employees, and their dependents, seeking assistance with personal concerns.
Professionalism and Integrity
The EAP staff shall practice the highest standards of personal conduct and professionalism through credentialing, licensure, certification, and continuing education.
- When working with individual clients, the EAP shall maintain the strictest of confidence, consistent with State and Federal laws and the ethical standards of appropriate professional credentialing agencies.
Seeking Non-Adversarial Solutions
The EAP shall work with individuals to achieve non-adversarial solutions through mediation or other forms of alternative dispute management in an effort to minimize formal grievance proceedings and litigious courses of action.
Empowerment of Individuals and Organizations
The EAP will strive to empower individuals and/or organizations through counseling, education, training, and enhancement of self-esteem as a means of helping them resolve their presenting difficulties.
Communication Enhancement
The EAP will assist individuals and groups in developing enhanced communication skills as a means of effectively dealing with interpersonal conflicts.