Florida State University established the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) in the spring of 1995. Since its inception, it has offered a professional support system for the faculty and staff of the university and contracted agencies.
Brief Intervention and Short-Term Counseling
The EAP is a confidential program that provides brief intervention/short-term counseling, referrals, and follow-up services to help FSU employees address personal and/or workplace concerns.
Supervisor Consults
Consultation with supervisors seeking to manage and assist employees with workplace and/or personal concerns, enhance the work environment, and improve employee job performance.
Well-Being Programs and Workshops
The EAP, working both independently and in collaboration with Human Resources Training, offers topic-specific training to individuals and departments throughout campus.
Please Contact Us to sign up!
Topics include:
- Team Building
- Conflict Communication Skills
- Stressed Out
- Working with You is Killing Me
- Mindfulness
- EAP for Supervisors
Mediation Services
Conflict is inevitable. When people work together, disagreements can occur. Usually this conflict can be resolved between the parties with little or no input from other persons. Sometimes, however, the parties need help to resolve their differences. When employees at Florida State University need help in resolving a conflict, they may turn to the Employee Assistance Program mediation service for help.
This is a free and confidential program to help you resolve disputes. All you have to lose is your conflict - but the first step is yours to make.
Click here for more information.
Debt Management
FSU has partnered with Debt Management Credit Counseling Corporation (DMCC) to assist those in the FSU community who may be struggling with debt or wanting to increase their credit rating.
DMCC has a host of resources that can assist you in regaining the road to financial solvency.
Some of these include:
- Debt Management Plans
- Payday Loan Assistance
- Student Loan Assistance
- Online Financial Literacy Programs
Emergency Loan Fund (ELF)
The EAP administers FSU’s Emergency Loan Fund (ELF) which was established to aid employees facing unexpected financial emergencies. If eligible, an individual may receive an interest-free loan of up to $1,500, which is repaid through payroll deduction. Eligibility includes (but is not limited to): employed at FSU for a minimum of one year, have a true emergency, denied a loan from a lending institution such as a bank or credit union, and must be in “good-standing” at their present position. For additional information please contact the EAP.