December 2018
Reformed Alcoholic Worker Seen Drinking at the Christmas Party
Q. My employee had severe performance issues eight or nine years ago. We almost terminated him, but he was referred to the EAP and entered treatment for alcoholism. Things have been great, but unfortunately, I was told he was drinking at a holiday party recently. Should I be concerned?
A. You are reporting that your employee’s performance is acceptable and that you have no concerns after so many years. Nevertheless, it appears he has relapsed. You should monitor his performance as you always have, and if problems return, engage the EAP and follow the supervisor referral process recommended to you. There is no other action for you to take unless an active follow-up program is continuing with the EAP. It would then be appropriate to inform the EAP. Performance and ability to perform the position’s essential functions are the dominant concerns of the employer. Failure by your employee to manage his disease properly is a personal and medical concern for the moment. It is possible that the relapse will not affect his performance again, or problems could return in a spectacular fashion. Your vigilance as a supervisor will help you intervene early if needed to protect the investment you have in this worker.
My Employee May be Homeless
Q. I think my employee is sleeping in his car. He has a daily disheveled appearance—as if he has slept in his clothes. His performance is fine, but should I ask what’s going on? If he says yes, [he is sleeping in his car,] I will refer him to the EAP, but what’s my performance justification?
A. Speak to your employee in private to inquire about this situation. Employees are your most valuable resource. Their safety is paramount, and your concern stems from this principle. Your suspicion is based on what you can see is a disheveled appearance, so you have enough to justify your concern. Sleeping in a car can be dangerous for many reasons, but it’s important to help your employee feel comfortable enough to visit the EAP for help and assistance. According to one survey, one out of ten employees has experienced homelessness due to a wide variety of financial problems. Although there have been tales of medical students voluntarily sleeping in vehicles as a way of coping with debt to get through medical school, it is more likely that real problems exist with your employee and require intervention and assistance from a source of help such as the EAP.
Why Professionalism is Important
Q. I was reprimanded for telling my employee who is 69 that he looked really good for his age. I was told this was an example of ageism. I don’t see how. I’ve been in many social situations where a statement like this is flattering and a compliment. What’s the problem?
A. The workplace is not a social setting like a backyard barbecue. It is a place of employment and governed by federal and state laws. Many of these laws apply to different types of employment discrimination, with age being one of them. While such a statement might be interpreted as a compliment in a private social setting, it has potential risk for your employer. Regardless of intent, your statement could be construed to mean that the employer prefers employees who appear younger then their biologic age. You may not have considered your compliment as potentially problematic, but this does not mean it couldn’t be used against you later to substantiate a hiring discrimination claim. Ageism is taking on greater importance in the workplace as employees work longer careers and the workforce as a whole grows older. Most claims against employers regarding ageism will naturally center on recruitment, promotion, and decisions associated with termination and downsizing.
Helping Employees Deal with Stress
Q. Is it appropriate to refer an employee with a chronic desk clutter problem and cluttered workspace to the EAP?
A. It is reasonable for supervisors to request that employees keep a clutter-free desk and workspace, because it has negative impacts on productivity. Desk clutter is not always because of a personal habit or difficulty with procrastination in getting things straightened up. It can also be a symptom of other personal problems or psychological issues. Manage an employee’s inability to declutter like any other performance issue. Ask, request, encourage, or insist. However, if there is a lack of results, refer the employee to the EAP. Plenty of research exists on clutter, its adverse impact on productivity, and the cost to the bottom line in organizations. Source: [Search“ clutter research”]
Chronic Desk Clutter
Q. I referred my employee to the EAP because of ongoing attendance issues. This was a formal referral, but he didn’t go and insisted no personal problems were to blame. What should I have said to win this argument? (He never went.)
A. It is reasonable for supervisors to request that employees keep a clutter-free desk and workspace, because it has negative impacts on productivity. Desk clutter is not always because of a personal habit or difficulty with procrastination in getting things straightened up. It can also be a symptom of other personal problems or psychological issues. Manage an employee’s inability to declutter like any other performance issue. Ask, request, encourage, or insist. However, if there is a lack of results, refer the employee to the EAP. Plenty of research exists on clutter, its adverse impact on productivity, and the cost to the bottom line in organizations. Source: [Search“ clutter research”]
November 2018
Excellent Worker; Son Busted for Selling Drugs
Q. One of my employees has a teen who was caught selling marijuana in school. I learned about this from another employee. The father of the teen is an excellent worker. Should I leave this issue alone, not say anything, or mention the EAP as a resource?
A. In a private conversation, let your employee know that you have learned of his child’s problem. Mention the EAP and say that the professionals there can offer several types of support helpful to the family, including referral to expert resources in the community, help for understanding unique issues associated with parenting a teenager with a drug use problem, follow-up, support, and education. Encouraging use of the EAP may also reduce lost productivity or future attendance problems as your employee manages the legal problems, treatment issues, probation, and enforcement of his child’s participation in a recovery program. This can be a rocky road that involves relapse, parenting challenges, and crises requiring the support of experts that the EAP can help locate.
When to Intervene in Employee Conflict
Q. When employees are in conflict, it can disrupt workflow and group harmony, but should supervisors intervene in every instance? Can you offer guidelines for deciding when to take control of a situation and step in?
A. Most supervisors know conflict is normal in the workplace, and responding to conflict is part of a supervisor’s job, but there are important guidelines. It is not necessary to intervene in every conflict; on the contrary, it is usually better to leave employees alone and let them work it out. If supervisors involved themselves in every conflict, they would likely create more of them because it would send a message that employees need not cooperate, compromise, or work out power struggles with each other and instead let you work it out. These are relationship skills that can be undermined by the authority possessed by a manager. A better tactic is monitoring what is taking place. So, when should you intervene? Intervene when the issues pose some sort of larger risk to the organization, as in the case of harassment, discrimination, or potential for violence. Hold employees responsible for resolving conflicts. Never let them perpetuate. The EAP can be a resource for supervisors when conflicts remain unresolved and you decide to speed up resolution by referring employees for additional help.
Supervisors Can Undermine Their Own Goals
Q. When counseling employees, what are the most common mistakes that supervisors make that undermine their goal of getting above-satisfactory performance from employees?
A. Managers often forget the importance of effective communication and remaining proactive. These are the fundamental mistakes. This is the starting point for preventing performance problems. Poor communication typically leads to late interventions, after a crisis of performance already exists. Good communication means periodically reviewing and clarifying expectations and discussing performance problems. Beyond these things, many supervisors do not have employees communicate their own understanding of what precisely must be done to meet acceptable standards. And, supervisors often do not discuss what outstanding performance looks like and how it is measured. When outstanding performance is clearly outlined, most employees will keep it mind, and if they don’t seek this level of performance, are inspired to perform well above standard. Busy supervisors sometimes step in too late, whereas acting early would save them enormous stress. Late intervention may find that the relationship with the employee has deteriorated, and this further compounds the difficulty of correcting performance.
Having a True Open Door Policy
Q. I have an open-door policy. I let my employees know they can come to me at any time to share concerns or problems. I rarely get visitors; so, this is a sign everything is going well, correct?
A. Well, maybe. An open-door policy encouraging workers to visit and discuss issues and concerns requires more than simply a door swung open. You must also have a psychologically safe workplace. A psychologically safe workplace naturally encourages employees to stick their necks out, approach you, and take advantage of what you are offering. They do so because they are confident they will not be rejected or punished for admitting a mistake, bringing a complaint, asking a question, or offering a new idea. Help employees feel respected, accepted, and comfortable at all times. Model this to others. The bottom line is: How you interact with employees outside your office will determine whether they will walk through your open door later.
My Employee Refused a Referral to EAP
Q. I referred my employee to the EAP because of ongoing attendance issues. This was a formal referral, but he didn’t go and insisted no personal problems were to blame. What should I have said to win this argument? (He never went.)
A. There is no need to argue or verbally joust with an employee who refuses an EAP referral. Has your employee’s attendance improved since your discussion? Watch for improvement and then recurrence of the problem. This is a common pattern with personal problems that interfere with performance. The urgency felt by your employee resulting from the confrontation may have been enough to create positive changes in his behavior. If attendance remains good, consider your confrontation a success. If attendance issues return, refer the employee to the EAP again. Ultimately, your human resources advisor or management may formulate a disciplinary consequence for continuing problems. If appropriate and within company policy, leverage this disciplinary action alongside a choice to attend the EAP (with an offer to postpone the action pending follow-through on attending the EAP). Employees typically choose the referral. Note: This is not forcing someone to go to an EAP. It’s tantamount to an accommodation so the employee can address health issues or other concerns.
October 2018
Does Marijuana Use Cause or Increase Amotivational Syndrome?
Q. Does marijuana cause employees to be slow, not show initiative, or be less engaged in the workplace? I have a few employees I know use pot off duty, and I think I would describe them this way. Is this “amotivational syndrome”?
A. First, you can’t diagnose your employees’ performance issues. This requires a referral to the EAP to learn more. For decades, pro-marijuana advocacy groups have insisted there is no such thing as cannabis use causing “amotivational syndrome.” They’ve insisted that anecdotal reports or studies have been flawed. However, evidence published in February 2018 appears to show cannabis-caused amotivational syndrome is quite real. Over 500 college students who used marijuana were studied. Marijuana use, demographics (age, gender, and race), personality (extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, openness, and neuroticism), other substance use (alcohol and tobacco), and general personal assessments of initiative, effort, and persistence were examined closely. Research showed that marijuana use forecasted lower initiative and persistence (amotivational syndrome) even after accounting for and ruling out other factors. Only marijuana (but not alcohol or tobacco) significantly and longitudinally prompts lower initiative and persistence. See the report:
Absent with a Doctor's Note
Q. My employee has a psychiatrist who has treated him for depression for many years. He’s never been to the EAP, and I have not considered a referral until now. Currently he is not coming to work often, and yet the doctor keeps writing notes to excuse absences. Can the EAP help?
A. Consult with your organization’s human resources advisor regarding sick leave issues and how to manage these absences and record the leave status. Realize that EAPs accept formal referrals from supervisors when employees have job performance issues, quality of work problems, conduct and behavioral issues, and attendance problems. So, consider referring your employee. Make it a formal referral. Is the employee unable to adequately perform his duties because of the absenteeism? If so, make note of it. It makes no difference whether the employee is being seen by a psychiatrist. This fact does not preclude a referral. Many issues could exist in this situation, including improper treatment, a problematic relationship with the doctor, poor medication compliance, sudden loss of medication effectiveness, and a host of other factors. The EAP will obtain a release to communicate directly with the doctor and assess what’s going on. If the employee is reluctant to accept a referral, discuss next steps with the EAP.
Helping Your Employees Succeed
Q. I want to do everything I can to help my employees perform well. What is the most important task to accomplish in order to make this possible?
A. Form good working relationships. Supervisors can learn many different skills and tactics, but few will be effective without positive relationships. Understand the concept of “essential attitudes” for a supervisor. Essential attitudes for success exist in every profession, whether you are a teacher, scientist, minister, pilot, or supervisor. Here’s one: Assume your employees are doing the best job they can from their point of view. This attitude will affect the way you speak, act, nurture, and support them. It might even help you remember to use the EAP more often as a resource to improve performance. Another: Spell out for employees what they need to do in order to succeed and then give them the ability to do it. Imagine how these essential attitudes influence a positive relationship, and how lacking they are with many managers. Can you think of more essential attitudes critical to relationship success?
Generation Z Workers
Q. What do supervisors and managers need to know about the “Generation Z”? I have been hearing more about them recently.
A. You will hear a lot more about Generation Z as these employees enter the workforce. Gen Z are those born between approximately 1995-96 and 2010-14. (Sociologists disagree on the dates.) This is the group following the millennials. Generation Z is more influenced by concepts like “finding my true purpose” and “making an impact.” They want to be independent and are highly attracted to learning new things. They are confident and respond positively to companies that are engaged in resolving social problems. They are entrepreneurial, realistic, hungry for experiences and want to see the world. Gen Z employees want to be experts and may accept challenges more readily than prior generations. When writing the essential functions of job descriptions, consider the above values and employee traits to help you maximize productivity and employee job satisfaction. Gen Z employees are less put off by the idea of getting counseling and more likely to use supports like an EAP to improve their lives. Learn more from the book “Meet Generation Z” (2017).
How to Have A Respectful Workplace
Q. Why can’t employees monitor themselves and use peer influence to ensure a respectful workplace? It seems as though supervisors or managers must still take the lead and play a large role in supporting a positive workplace and discouraging disrespect.
A. Consult with your organization’s human resources advisor regarding sick leave issues and how to manage these absences and record the leave status. Realize that EAPs accept formal referrals from supervisors when employees have job performance issues, quality of work problems, conduct and behavioral issues, and attendance problems. So, consider referring your employee. Make it a formal referral. Is the employee unable to adequately perform his duties because of the absenteeism? If so, make note of it. It makes no difference whether the employee is being seen by a psychiatrist. This fact does not preclude a referral. Many issues could exist in this situation, including improper treatment, a problematic relationship with the doctor, poor medication compliance, sudden loss of medication effectiveness, and a host of other factors. The EAP will obtain a release to communicate directly with the doctor and assess what’s going on. If the employee is reluctant to accept a referral, discuss next steps with the EAP.
September 2018
Creating a Positive Work Climate
Q. I want to create a positive workplace for my employees. They seem happy as a group. Is that the only measure I need?
A. You want happy employees, but high productivity is also important. Think of your workplace as having a “climate” like the weather. What is the work climate like? Many things contribute to a positive work climate. Examples include effective communication, supportive supervisory practices, and shared traditions that promote positive reinforcement, gratitude, celebration, and fun. Some work organizations establish climate committees to help monitor and influence happy, healthy, and productive workplaces. Although you do not have to establish a climate committee, you should have a means of understanding your work climate. Keep tabs on it, and view it as a strategic resource. When you consciously make your work climate a priority, you are more likely to nurture it into a positive force that facilitates employees deciding to work to their potential, rather than to just their quota.
Disorganized Manager is Afraid to Refer to EAP
Q. I am hesitant about referring to the EAP because, frankly, I am disorganized. I am fairly slack in my style. If I refer an employee to the EAP, my work practices might be discussed. Obviously, my issues are not related to the EAP client, so will the EAP talk about me to other people?
A. The EAP will neither make conversation about nor disclose information about your supervision style, work unit organization challenges, efficiency, or any perceived personal inadequacy, especially if your employee visits the EAP and imparts this information in the conversation. Confidentiality would extend to this information to the fullest limit of the law because it is content learned as part of a confidential interview with the EAP client. Everything an employee utters is subject to strict confidentiality provisions and your EAP’s policy. You have nothing to fear. Even if information about you was discovered or learned outside the EAP office from another source, it would not be discussed with others. EAPs are highly conscientious about their role, how they are perceived by the workforce, and what the implications are for what they say and what they do, because these things have a profound impact on EAP utilization, program viability, and sustainability. Talk with the EAP about your personal organization issues and discover relief that comes with resolution.
Micromanager Wants to Kick the Habit
Q. How can I be less of a micromanager, and can the EAP assist me?
A. Micromanagers are usually supervisors who control and get involved in every aspect and part of a job that’s been delegated to a subordinate. This results in employees becoming frustrated. If this sounds like you, two approaches to resolving micromanaging behaviors can be considered. The first is to understand what delegation means. Delegation is the process by which responsibility and authority for performing a task or activity is transferred to another person. Is that what you are trying to accomplish? If so, education, awareness, communication, self-monitoring, and feedback from subordinates will eventually turn you into a proficient delegator. The other avenue of help is about overcoming the fear, anxiety, and distrust related to the proper completion of the work you have delegated. You may be aware of your difficulty in letting go, including multiple attempts that have not worked for very long. If this is your experience, visit with the EAP to develop a plan of action that includes a coaching model.
Number 1 Complaint About Bosses
Q. What’s the number one complaint that employees have about bosses?
A. Complaints about managers being poor communicators usually top the list. Poor communication, in fact, beats favoritism, incompetence, never giving praise, having mood swings, and being passive-aggressive. Supervisors seeking to improve communication should not just communicate more often. Instead, they should engage and make communication reciprocal, get feedback from employees about how the communication is going, and create systems that ensure effective communication stays in place. Not doing so will allow poor communication to again emerge as a work climate issue. What kind of structure or predictable way of communicating should you establish? The answer: Get employee input and then decide.
Alcohol Finally Takes It's Toll
Q. I have an employee who has been with our company for 24 years. During that time, he has worked at 101 percent capacity. No one could touch his energy, overtime ability, and creativity. He was a heavy drinker, but it never affected his work. That’s changed. Why the change?
A. Alcoholism is an acute chronic illness. This means it gets worse over time. This does not mean all alcoholic drinkers have the same behavioral pattern on their way to the late stages. Genetics, social factors, psychological factors, and environmental factors contribute to alcoholism’s manifestations. Some people may drink alcoholically almost immediately or soon after a first drink. Others may remain in less acute stages of the illness for decades. They will show few obvious effects other than a growing tolerance and problems that typically only family members recognize. Acute problems that coworkers recognize may not appear for decades, but enabling terms like “functional” alcoholic will contribute to a pattern of denial that becomes difficult to break. It appears that alcohol has begun to take its toll on your employee. Contact the EAP for guidance and a referral strategy based on his performance. If you stay focused and hold the employee accountable, the probability of effective performance-based intervention and recovery is very high.
August 2018
Frustrated Manager is Enabling Bad Behavior
Q. I am frustrated and angry with my employee for coming to work late. Sometimes, I lose my cool. However, I am not letting the employee get away with it. I encourage coworkers to confront the behavior. A fellow manager said I am an enabler. How so?
A. A. Enabling exists because you are failing to implement a strategic approach to resolving this problem, and the emotional and personal involvement prevents its implementation. When an employee exhibits unacceptable performance like poor work quality, tardiness, or conduct problems on the job, it is appropriate to confront it. Hopefully, things improve. The correct approach relieves you from the emotional involvement you have experienced. The EAP model allows you to step away from all the emotionality. Instead, you make the assumption that some personal problem or concern outside the employee’s control drives the behavior. A ladder of progressive steps ultimately motivates the employee to get help. Talk to the EAP about these progressive steps. You will most likely be successful in getting your employee to accept help because, when properly implemented, the EAP intervention steps demonstrate to the employee that the organization will not permit an ongoing problem with attendance.
Can EAP Help When the Behavior Occurs Outside the Workplace?
Q. I recognized the spouse of one of my employees in the emergency room of our local hospital. I was there for a minor cut on my hand. The spouse was drunk and out of control, and I was surprised by the behavior I witnessed. Should I tell my employee and recommend the EAP?
A. In a private meeting, let your employee know what you witnessed and suggest the EAP. Don’t probe or elaborate. Your employee may offer an explanation. Accept it. As a side note, hospital emergency rooms are overworked and busy places. Utilization review nurses or social workers typically follow up cases, but many slip through the cracks. Let the hospital ER know that your company has an EAP. Hospitals sometimes reach out to EAPs, make referrals to them, and pass the ball to them to continue where they left off. The patient may or may not accept the ER’s referral to the EAP. Still, with regard to assessment, referral, and follow-up, the EAP is typically able to expend more effort than ER staff. Everyone benefits. If your company has thousands of employees, it is likely that the ER sees many throughout the year.
When Disciplinary Action is Pending
Q. Can an EAP advise our management group on the possible psychological effects of a pending disciplinary action on an employee who is not a client of the EAP?
A. An EAP might discuss a manager’s concern about a pending decision to use disciplinary action, to help him or her gain clarity, offer support in managing stress associated with the decision, or address personal fears. However, the EAP would not render a psychological judgment in general regarding risk of a disciplinary action. Doing so interferes with management processes and violates an ethical boundary of non-interference by EAPs. If the EAP engaged in this process, it could be viewed as authorizing, consenting to, approving, and sanctioning the decision. This would produce a schism within your management group if the EAP, as an expert, trumped others’ opinions. Some managers might agree, while others not. Management would feel forced to accept whatever the EAP recommended. This bind would take a toll on the EAP’s ability to attract employees and managers. A consult with HR, a third-party consultant, or other management advisors should be considered.
What Boss Issues Affect Employees Most?
Q. I saw an online article that said bad bosses can make employees sick. What are they referring to, and exactly what boss issues affect employees most?
A. Studies show that 50% of employees have quit a job because of a bad boss. One study reported that 75% consider their boss a major source of stress, but most have no plans to quit. The health issue is stress. Here’s a list of common complaints from a Harris Poll in order of severity: 1) not recognizing employee achievements; 2) not giving clear directions; 3) not having time to meet with employees; 4) refusing to talk with subordinates, 5) taking credit for others’ ideas; 6) not offering constructive criticism; 7) not knowing an employee’s name; 8) refusing to talk with people on the phone or in person; and 9) not asking about employees’ lives outside of work. Nearly all of these fall in the realm of communication, and some you may find surprising. For example, employees want you to know more about them personally. Do any apply to you? Your EAP will help you become a champ on any of these issues. Source: Interactive/Harris poll of 1,000 workers.
How to Write an Effective Corrective Memo
Q. Can you give me a basic formula or a “do it by the numbers” way to write a corrective memo, one that explains step-by-step what to include?
A. Follow these numbers and your documentation should be effective. Letter to employee: 1) On (date), _____incident occurred. 2) Specifically, _____ (what was seen, heard, said, happened, etc.). 3) Mention negative effects or outcome of incident on immediate work unit or operation. 4) State unacceptability of event/incident and why it is unacceptable. 5) Reference any similar past events. For example, ___. 6) State larger impact and effect on productivity for organization. 7) State that you are anticipating this won’t happen again. 8) Invite employee to meet and discuss issues, concerns, or precipitating events to prevent any future incident. 9) Provide a strong recommendation to visit the EAP confidentially to discuss any problem that may be associated with the issue. 10) Give phone number to EAP. 11) Thank employee for attention to the matter. 12) Invite employee to discuss any other concerns. 13) Copy next-level supervisor and 14) copy EAP. This is one example of a structured memo with essential elements. However, your HR department may also have recommendations for you.
July 2018
EAP's Confidentiality Policy
Q. If supervisors visit the EAP to get advice or consultation on unique employee management situations, but do not share their personal problems with the EAP, are they still guaranteed the same sort of confidentiality given to employee clients?
A. Any employee, whether or not they are a supervisor, or whether or not the nature of the discussion is about a personal problem, is covered by the program’s confidentiality policy. Using the program to get help is what defines you as a client, not the type problem you bring. Ensuring that your discussions with the EAP are confidential reduces risk to the organization because it helps ensure that you are likely to visit the program without hesitation, seek its help in dealing with troubled employees, and thereby reduce risk that employees will be mismanaged. Mismanagement of employees can lead to wrongful discipline, workplace violence, conflicts, absenteeism, legal claims, and much more. When managing troubled employees or simply seeking to elevate their potential, consider what role the EAP can play. EAPs acquire experience on motivating workers, documentation, confrontation, praising and inspiring employees, making observations, and conflict resolution, and can guide you in “what to say” and “how to say it” no matter what the communication need might be.
Employee Privacy is a Manager's Responsibility
Q. My employee told me, in a private conversation, that she visited the EAP regarding some problems at home with her spouse. Am I obligated to keep this information about her visit to the EAP confidential?
A. Yes. Periodically, all managers learn personal information about their employees through private conversations, employment records, hearsay, and personal notes provided to them. Sometimes employees accidentally disclose personal information under emotional stress. Your possession of this information carries with it significant responsibility, and the appropriate care of it is a matter that shouldn’t be taken lightly. Here are some rules to follow: Consider all personal information about employees as private and never disclose it unless compelled to do so. In all cases, talk to your HR manager or legal advisor and don’t act alone without such advice. Also, it may be tempting to share personal information about an employee in confidence with another manager/colleague and ask him or her to not re-share it. Don’t do this.
Using Feedback as an Effective Tool for Employees
Q. When giving feedback to employees, I notice they are often defensive. My intention is to let them know what they are doing incorrectly along with what they are doing correctly so they can avoid future mistakes. How can I improve my approach and make feedback more pleasant?
A. Giving feedback to employees is not about delivering the good with the bad and hoping for the best. Your attitude and approach are critical. Do you show annoyance over the shortcomings of your employee’s work, or do you deliver feedback with judgment-free specificity? Do the latter because valuable employees are hard enough on themselves. More importantly, give feedback with the intention of motivating employees. If an employee is not energized following a feedback interview, you have taken a step backward in that relationship. Whenever possible, use feedback meetings to teach new skills. Develop good working relationships with your employees and discuss how you will give feedback to them. Let them know that the purpose of feedback is to help them excel, not to find fault or shake their confidence. Use these guidelines the next time you give feedback. You will enjoy giving feedback more often and you’ll do it more effectively.
Disability Awareness in the Workplace
Q. My employee suffers from chronic pain. He is a good performer. He has more difficulty on some days than others, and this causes him to move more slowly, but it is acceptable. How can I be more supportive?
A. The strongest recommendation regarding supporting employees with disabilities, including chronic pain, is for managers to remain approachable and welcoming so employees with special needs feel willing to request accommodations. This means periodically touching base with these workers and asking how things are going. It also includes modeling inclusiveness to coworkers. Failure to do so may contribute to unnecessary employee turnover. Offering disability awareness to the work organization or work unit is also a plus. The EAP can discuss with you what options for this sort of education might be available. Research shows that stress, anxiety, and workplace conflict can exacerbate chronic pain. This is an added reason to maintain good communication in the workplace, recommend EAP assistance for those who need it, and help employees maintain job satisfaction.
Dealing with Age Discrimination
Q. We have an older employee whom some people call “Pops,” as in “Hey Pops!” I am a bit nervous that the term is age discriminatory. It rubs me the wrong way at least and a couple of others as well. Still, the employee doesn’t seem to mind. What’s the recommendation?
A. This term “pops” is being viewed by at least a couple of employees as discriminatory. Is it? It really does not matter. Insist that employees stop using this term because people find it offensive. That’s the justification. Perhaps this tag may have been fitting for a chuck wagon cook in an old Western movie, but it’s problematic in the modern era. It does not matter that your employee is not offended. The term denotes an age stereotype. Even if your employee is fond of the term, others may label it as offensive. There are many terms commonly used in the workplace that few employees would give a second thought to. They may feel benign. Unfortunately, many of these terms have shown up in discrimination court cases. Terms like “having a senior moment,” “looking for new blood,” “our new and seasoned supervisors,” and “old school” may also be problematic with regard to ageism in the workplace.
June 2018
When to Refer a Personal Problem to EAP
Q. If an employee approaches a supervisor about a personal problem, should he or she always be referred to the EAP no matter what the problem might be? For example, my employee complained that he hadn’t seen a dentist in three years. I recommended mine.
A. If your employee asks for a recommendation for a dentist, there certainly isn’t harm in sharing the name of the one you use. However, if the discussion includes reasons as to why this delay has occurred, a recommendation to talk to the EAP about those issues is appropriate. Every day, employees share personal problems with coworkers and supervisors at work. There is nothing unusual about it. However, some issues that at first appear benign are associated with severe problems that are suitable for bringing to the EAP. It is important for you as a supervisor to have a sense of curiosity about your employees and their well-being. The rationale is that your employees represent your most valuable resource. This curiosity does not mean involving yourself in employees’ personal matters or diagnosing problems. But it does mean going a step further when an employee approaches you with something personal, and considering whether an EAP issue exists in the situation he or she presents. Curiosity means asking why. In your case, a delay in seeing a dentist could be associated with fear or financial hardship, among other reasons.
Communication Expectations Within the EAP
Q. I referred my employee to the EAP for attendance issues. He went, he signed a release, and the attendance problem is gone. The EAP was supposed to give me regular feedback, but I only heard from the counselor once. Should I assume everything is okay?
A. You should phone the EAP and inquire about communication expectations. The important goal of having the attendance problem corrected means your use of the EAP was a success. However, you are wondering if the communication process is complete. That’s evidence you and the EAP are not in sync. Don’t wait. Instead, reach out and inquire about what to expect when communicating with the EAP and how much longer you should anticipate the feedback continuing. If a release is no longer valid, which could be the reason communication has stopped, then the EAP will let you know. Sometimes employees fail to follow through with EAP recommendations, and they may decide to cancel a release at the same time. This could happen regardless of whether problems like absenteeism are continuing. .
Is EAP an Employee Benefit or an Employer Benefit?
Q. Does an EAP exist as a benefit for the employee, the employer, or both? A daycare center, a credit union on-site, gym memberships, and the like are for employees, so is an EAP on par with these sorts of benefits that employees value?
A. The installation of EAPs has a business rationale, but so do the other services you mention because they benefit the workforce by helping workers be happier, healthier, and more productive. The workforce is any organization’s most valuable resource, so in many respects there is no distinction between an employee benefit and an employer benefit made possible by a programmatic approach to helping troubled employees with personal problems that may (or may not) affect their job performance. Without supervisor education (e.g., this newsletter) and training on using them, EAPs are at risk of becoming programs that serve only as confidential counseling services of limited scope, primarily focused on the employee and not on the organization as a whole.
Roadblocks to Supervisors Using the EAP
Q. What is the most difficult roadblock to supervisors using the EAP in managing troubled employees?
A. The most difficult roadblock supervisors face in using the EAP to manage troubled employees is making the switch from doing it all themselves, to using a systematic approach to assess, refer, treat, and follow up on a troubled employee. The old approach may include ignoring problems until they precipitate a crisis. Although an employee may sign a release that provides for limited feedback about EAP participation, a supervisor is, by design, removed entirely from involvement in the employee’s problems. This shift can be difficult because the supervisor must give up the ability to control the helping process and its outcome. Turning these roles over to the EAP frees the supervisor from the burden of being an amateur diagnostician, motivational counselor, and caseworker. But this freedom is not always as welcome as it sounds. Some supervisors may feel competent in handling these roles; they may believe in their history of doing so and experience satisfaction and meaning by involving themselves in their employees’ lives. Unfortunately, this approach carries significant risk for all parties concerned.
Points for Meeting with Employees About Performance Issues
Q. Can you provide a checklist of points for meeting with an employee to confront them about performance, motivate them to correct it, and encourage them to use the EAP?
A. Talk with the EAP or recall the process of recommended steps for your organization, but the following should be helpful: 1) focus on job performance; 2) be specific; 3) ask the employee if he/she understands the situation clearly; 4) ask the employee to paraphrase what the supervisor has said; 5) ask the employee for a commitment to change; 6) set a specific time for follow-up and review; 7) explain that the employee must decide whether he/she should seek help for any personal issue that may be contributing to the performance issue; 8) explain clearly the EAP and how it works, and discuss confidentiality; 9) fully assure the worker that use of the EAP does not affect job security or promotional opportunities, and is not punitive in any way.
May 2018
Overcoming "Silo Mentality"
Q. Regarding supervisor behavior, what does the phrase “silo mentality” mean? Can EAPs play a role in helping supervisors overcome this practice?
A. The phrase “silo mentality” is more applicable to the dysfunctional practice of departments within organizations isolating themselves by being concerned only with their unique purpose. Withholding information, competitiveness, communication breakdowns, and, when severe enough, nearly isolated work environments with charismatic leaders can result. Supervisors can unwittingly practice a similar behavior by isolating themselves, withholding information, failing to engage with workers, and focusing more on charts and metrics than developing their people. Avoiding this practice requires skills of engagement, collaboration, sharing information, coaching, and modeling. New supervisors are especially at risk for isolation behavior if they give in to their insecurities. Some may deny their role and hope the work unit can function without their direction by deferring to one or two strong subordinates. It may feel safer, but it is a recipe for disaster. The employee assistance program is an ideal source of help. Beyond coaching, which is more appropriately obtained from a next level manager, the EAP can confidentially assess personal issues and help the supervisor identify and overcome roadblocks to full engagement.
Using Humor in the Workplace
Q. I have always understood humor in the workplace to be a good thing. Recently I heard that this is not necessarily true. Can you explain this with respect to supervisors who do a lot of kidding around?
A. There is a difference between employees expressing humor within a psychologically safe workplace and the supervisor over-employing humor as a way to interacting and managing employees. This can heighten employee vulnerability, while at the same time making supervisors less approachable. Ironically, some humor may contribute to an intimidating and offensive work environment. Overused, humor can also send a message that there is nothing very serious about what we do here—that mistakes and problems are not to be taken seriously. This results in the loss of a healthy sense of urgency and leads to diminished performance by employees. This dynamic can prompt employees to focus on personal matters rather than workplace productivity; indeed, research has shown this to be the case. However, humor is a natural human behavior. It is not something that has to be deliberately learned or practiced. Naturally occurring, it can be an indicator of a positive work climate where employees are able to be happy, healthy, and productive. Learn more at (search “humor in the workplace”).
Learning to Become a Leader
Q. I have been offered a manager position in my company, but I don’t know if I have the leadership skills to do it. I don’t mind a challenge, but isn’t leadership a natural aptitude sort of thing? Can the EAP help with my decision?
A. It is a myth that leadership can’t be learned. Here are a few rewarding challenges to master—all teachable: thinking and acting in ways that encourage others so they trust and follow you; creating a vision or a direction in which you want to lead a team; having a personal vision for yourself within this context; considering crises that can happen and how to respond to them; being optimistic (optimistic authority figures inspire others); resolving conflicts; taking charge before being told what to do; pulling others into the action; striving for excellence, not perfection; maintaining high standards and giving others credit where it is due; praising employees frequently to inspire them to produce; taking risks out of your comfort zone; being truthful with yourself; knowing your strengths and weaknesses, and depending on others with skills you lack to achieve work-unit goals; building your brand as a leading expert in one or two areas; being a credible resource others trust; being a role-model for compassion, commitment, effort, integrity, teamwork, good communication, and vision; and getting to work on time! Feeling insecure about any of these? Talk to the EAP and troubleshoot hurdles throughout your career.
Can EAP Overcome Lies and Manipulation?
Q. I am referring an employee to the EAP, but I don’t have much hope things will change. He lies, manipulates, and tells people what he thinks they want to hear. The EAP is likely to be putty in his hands. Isn’t this a big problem for EAPs—dishonest employees?
A. Sometimes employees do visit EAPs and lie. They attempt to manipulate the EAP and control the direction of the interview, and behave as though they are insightful and fully cooperative, but they are not. This is always short-lived because, ultimately, there is a bottom line—job security. This leverage is a vital element in EAP theory and practice. It is precious to motivation, cooperation, and the pursuit of wellness with troubled employees. Some of these employees may have extraordinary skills and training. Employment leverage saves lives. The employer is in control if performance improvement is not forthcoming. Most employees understand this reality before coming to the EAP. Very few will not grasp this reality and not feel a true sense of urgency until they are teetering on termination. This dynamic is why EAPs work. The EAP is always a problem-solving success story for the organization. The employee, however, has to decide whether it will be a success story for him or her. The greater the clarity given to a formally referred employee about expectations and consequences, the more cooperative they tend to be.
April 2018
When an Employees Uses Self-referral
Q. The EAP phoned to say my employee was a self-referral but wanted to sign a release so I could learn of his participation. Nothing else was permitted. I am glad he self-referred because I was considering a formal referral for attendance issues. Should I still make one?
A. You could still make a formal supervisor referral, but you can also wait to see if the attendance issues clear up. Consider letting the EAP know about attendance issues, however. The release signed by your employee is obviously limited, so do not expect follow-up reports, etc. Note that the release may be rescinded at any time, leaving the EAP without the ability to communicate with you. It will not be able to acknowledge follow-through with recommendations or share status of participation. Still, none of this will interfere with your ability to manage performance. If attendance issues continue, decide whether to initiate a formal supervisor referral, in which you can request more structured communication (but not clinical information) or take corrective action, as you and your advisers deem appropriate.
Can Rude Behavior in the Work Place Impact Productivity?
Q. I read that rude behavior at work is getting worse. Is this overblown? Haven’t employees always shown a bit of rudeness periodically? What can supervisors do, and is there a role for the EAP helping overcome this sort of problem?
A. Rude behavior is incivility at work, a topic that has received increased attention because surveys show it has grown worse. Approximately twice as many employees complain about rudeness today than they did 20 years ago. One poll showed that nearly half of employees intentionally decreased their work effort in response to rudeness, intentionally decreased time spent at work, intentionally decreased quality of work, lost time worrying about and stewing over incidents, avoided the rude person, and admitted declines in commitment to the organization. Twenty-five percent said they took out their frustrations on customers! Obviously, rudeness takes a toll on the bottom line. A positive workplace that reduces rudeness is not an accident. A strategic approach that includes education, awareness, and proactive and supportive policies, like those that address other organizational risks, is worth considering. And, of course, EAP referral when needed is appropriate. Start with a sit-down assessment with your EAP to design a customized approach that fits with your work culture. Learn more:
Is the EAP for Productivity or a Counseling Agency?
Q. I think of the EAP as a productivity program rather than a counseling office, and I convey this viewpoint to employees. It distinguishes the program from a mental health service, which most people are familiar with. Can this view reduce stigma?
A. Your view of EAP is consistent with the business rationale for such programs and with that usually mentioned in policies that establish them. Such a viewpoint may increase the number of employees seen for personal problems, especially among troubled workers, some of whom pose greater risk to the organization. Direct appeal to reduce the stigma of seeking help for personal problems, however, is also part of the solution to maximize utilization and impact. So a balance of viewpoints is ideal. If employees only view the EAP as a “counseling office” for “personal problems,” the stigma of seeking help can reduce motivation to participate. However, if the added focus on productivity improvement and work quality is well-promoted, these factors will work synergistically for the benefit of all.
Are You "Phubbing" During Meetings?
Q. I recently stopped paying attention to my phone in meetings with employees, after one of them called me on the carpet for checking it while in meetings. It’s a bad habit, I know! I actually sense the anxiety of not checking it. I’m amazed. Can the EAP help?
A. Behavior you are describing is referred to as “boss phone snubbing” in one research study, and it is also known as “phubbing” (phone + snubbing). Anyone can be guilty of this off-putting behavior and earn the ire of meeting participants, but when bosses do it, their status and authority, and the power of being a role model others want to admire, can have an especially negative impact on subordinates. Research on this topic discovered that supervisors who cannot resist looking repeatedly at their smartphones while meeting with employees risk losing their employees’ trust. The productivity cost is loss of engagement. Smartphone addiction is not a recognized disorder, at least not yet, but the problem can create distress. Consider whether your use of a smartphone causes problems but, despite your best efforts, you can’t stop. If that is true, contact the EAP. Check out this less-than-scientific, but humorous quiz on smartphone addiction: (search “smartphone”). It is at least a good awareness builder. Also, see the study: (search “boss phone snub”).
Can EAP Help Me With the Decision-Making Process?
Q. I should be more decisive, but I like to seek the opinions of my team. Secretly, I fear being wrong, so gathering opinions is a way to procrastinate with some of these tougher calls. How can I develop better, faster, and more confident decisions-making skills?
A. There are many reasons people hesitate to make decisions. Fear of being wrong is one, but what drives this fear? This question is one the EAP can help you understand more clearly. You must make decisions, of course, so your anxiety translates into stalling techniques with the information-seeking, which is a legitimate and responsible step that covers for your hesitancy. You are using it as a crutch. The rest of the problem about making decisions—the mechanics of the process—can be found in hundreds of resources. In your journey of discovery, examine whether any of these decision-killers affect you: 1) perfectionism (it slows progress), 2) fear of disapproval, and 3) over-analyzing. Great decision makers have a history of overcoming mistakes. It is these mistakes that turn them into leaders who can trust their gut—an art that gets better over time. This is your goal: to be a great gut-level decision maker who is often right, but not perfect.
March 2018
Workplace Shootings -- Who is at Greastest Risk?
Q. We hear about mass shootings in schools and in the workplace. It’s frightening. I read that hundreds of employees are shot in the workplace each year. What are the latest statistics, and which employees are most at risk? What can supervisors do? How can EAP help?
A. About 450 homicides occur in the workplace each year in the U.S., and about 85% of these are shootings. An equal number of victims are also shot, but survive. The latest government statistics (2015) show that first-line supervisors of retail employees are at the highest risk of getting shot. Next are cashiers, followed by law enforcement officers, and then taxi drivers. Robbery is the most common reason for shootings. Men are five times more likely than women to be a victim of a shooting, but women are 10 times more likely to get shot when the assailant is a domestic partner, lover, or acquaintance. Domestic violence victimization is one circumstance sometimes shared or known by others at work. It is therefore crucial to refer these victims of abuse and violence to the EAP, and not become a private confidant. Only a proper assessment will offer the best chance of identifying the level of risk that might exist, and what to do next about it.
Self-referred Employees Often Complain About Supervisors. Its okay!
Q. EAPs see self-referred employees for any type of personal problem. If the problem is primarily about the supervisor, however, will the EAP urge the employee to sign a release so the other side of the story can be obtained from the supervisor?
A. EAPs work with the information provided by employees to guide them toward a workable solution. Complaints about supervisors are common, but EAPs do not need “the other side of the story” from the supervisor to help employees navigate their way to a better relationship. If such information is needed, the employee can supply it or the EAP can request it. You may feel uncomfortable imagining your employees at the EAP office talking about you, but you should understand that EAPs are hosted by organizations. This means EAPs seek healthful and productive resolutions that benefit employees in their roles as workers without dismissing the primacy of the organization or undermining your role or position.
Anxiety is Impairing Employee's Job Performance
Q. I have an employee who is a very nervous person. He worries about making a mistake around me, and his hands tremble. I am reassuring, but it’s not helping. Should I make a formal referral to the EAP or encourage a self-referral? Is this an anxiety disorder?
A. Your employee’s nervousness affects communication, interferes with the relationship between you, increases his risk of making mistakes and getting injured on the job, and may ultimately cause him to quit. His issues are interfering with his job satisfaction, which is also important. These documentable issues justify a formal referral. Your employee may respond to an encouraged self-referral, but why wait? There is nothing improper about making a formal referral now that will allow you to communicate with the EAP and help him. The employee’s problem is likely some condition related to anxiety, but many things could conceivably cause the behavior you are seeing.
Self-Referrals for Alcoholism
Q. Do employees self-refer to EAPs for help with alcoholism, or is this the type of personal problem that will ultimately require a formal referral because of denial?
A. Self-referrals do occur, but they typically result from drinking-related incidents, not simply the awareness of alcoholism. Like other illnesses with behavioral aspects to them, enabling and denial act as forces making self-diagnosis difficult. A DUI, the fear of divorce, or a “close call,” among other situations, may motivate self-referrals. Alcoholics are seeking help for their “drinking problem,” even in these circumstances—they hope to regain control over their drinking. They often have ruled out the possibility of alcoholism based on their own unique definition, which excludes them. This is where expertise is crucial in the assessment process. The EA professional may have only one shot at helping these employees understand the nature of what they are dealing with and motivating them to take the next step. The client must be sold on the benefits—the promises of recovery—that result from proper treatment. Some clients are ready for this message, while others are not. The window of motivation is short. The good news is that the predictability of future crises almost guarantees them another chance to hear the message and accept help.
Should Supervisors Share Personal Information?
Q. I think supervisors who share information about their lives, personal foibles, and the real problems they face at home and at work are less mysterious. Does this help elicit more cooperation from troubled workers and motivate them to feel closer and perform better?
A. Demonstrating vulnerability will tend to improve relationships in your personal life, but it can undermine your supervisory role in correcting worker performance. The reasons are not mysterious. The employment setting operates with a different set of dynamics than your personal life. Because a paycheck passes downward in an organization to employees and a hierarchy exists to ensure productivity and workflow, there are natural differences in status that exist between workers and those who supervise them. With their higher status, supervisors possess influence and leverage that allow them the power to correct problems, guide employees, judge performance, and discipline and reward workers. But these forces can be undermined. One way to do that is to convince employees that you and they are equal in status. Self-disclosure (being too close and personal) produces this result. If you are perceived as a friend rather than a boss, your employees lose the sense of urgency needed to work under your direction. Coaxing and pleading become faulty tools of persuasion. The same dynamic occurs when parents forgo discipline to become friends with their children.
February 2018
Tips for Supervisors Receiving Sexual Harassment Complaints
Q. We have conducted sexual harassment prevention training for employees and supervisors. I know a channel for bringing complaints forward is also crucial. Can you discuss that, and in particular, precautionary tips for the supervisor who receives such complaints.
A. Although education is an important prevention measure, another piece of the “prevention/intervention pie” is reinforcement of a complaint procedure so employees understand it and are encouraged to use it. You want to know when employees are being discriminated against, being harassed, or facing other problems like bullying on the job. Periodically remind employees about the complaint procedure, and if you are a supervisor, be careful not to minimize or ignore complaints brought to you by employees. It is easy to ignore indirect complaints, “slight mentions,” and passing comments about problems from victims or third parties. No matter how it is couched, minimized, or diplomatically described to you, treat a complaint as a complaint. Anything less may cause you to overlook victimization. Do not treat harassment complaints as “personality conflicts” in need of some sort of coaching or mediation. Steps like these taken by supervisors that minimize or “define problems down” place organizations at risk of later legal claims that you knew or should have known about the harassing behavior, but did nothing about it.
Dealing with Negativity in an Employee
Q. How do I coach an employee with a negative attitude? Until now, I have ignored or avoided this employee. Should I continue this approach and coach others to do the same, or intervene? If I intervene, what steps can I use before finally referring to the EAP?
A. Negativity is an attitude issue within the definition of job performance. Other factors include quality of work, quantity of work, attendance, appearance, behavior, and availability. Meet with your employee and discuss the negativity. Share examples so there is no dispute over what you observe. Negative attitudes can stem from many causes. Some are benign, but off-putting, like a cynical sense of humor. Others are more serious, like major complaints about the organization or supervisor or dislike of one’s job. Your conversation will probably yield a good explanation for the negativity, because most employees are aware of their personality issues gained from past confrontations or relationship struggles with others. Ask your employee how your relationship with him or her can facilitate a more positive disposition. Do not tell others to cope better with negativity. Negativity has a contagious influence, so refer to the EAP rather than risk morale problems.
How to Inspire an Employee to Reach for That Next Level
Q. Is there a way to not just motivate employees to do their job but also have them really go to the next level and become excited and proactive about their role and the company’s mission? Or is it just pure luck if you get an employee who can motivate him- or herself like this?
A. Some employees do motivate themselves because they know the value of being energized. They’ve learned that love of the job comes by engaging the organization, understanding their role and its importance, and seeing all the possibilities before them. Other employees must be inspired and shown what lies over the mountaintop. Your ability to inspire this latter group is a critical skill that can reduce turnover and attitude problems and boost productivity. To inspire employees, spend time with them and demonstrate your own enthusiasm so they can see it. They will be compelled to model it. Help them get clear about their role and your performance expectations. (A common complaint heard by EAPs from employees is a lack of understanding of what the supervisor wants from them.) Help employees understand the company’s strategic plan and direction, their role in it, and the value of their work product or services. Always let employees have some say in what they would like to accomplish, and set goals, evaluate, and give feedback toward that end during the year.
Resignation vs. Resolution
Q. Is it ever appropriate to encourage employees to quit their job versus referring them to the EAP? I think some employees would do better with another employer and would be happier and healthier as a result.
A. Employee assistance programs are in the business of helping employees resolve personal problems that may affect job performance, so it would never be advisable to encourage an employee to quit as a solution to his or her personal issues if the EAP has not been afforded the opportunity to help the employee. It would be improper for the EAP to endorse or discourage disciplinary or administrative actions, but certainly the EAP referral should be attempted early in the process of this situation you describe. If you have not done so, refer now. The EAP can then help the employee make the best decision based upon all the issues discovered in the assessment interview.
Resolving Attendance Issues with EAP
Q. A couple of weeks ago, I met with my employee to discuss attendance issues and make a referral to the EAP. The EAP referral was rejected, but surprisingly, attendance has been perfect ever since. Should I tell the EAP about this meeting?
A. Although this meeting was two weeks ago, let the EAP know about it. Inform your employee you have done so. Encourage use of the program once more. There are a few reasons for doing this. (1) The EA professional may offer guidance to you on managing your employee’s attendance issues. (2) Your employee’s knowledge of your contact with the EAP may facilitate changing his or her mind, and information you supplied will allow a more complete assessment. (3) Your employee may have attendance issues in the near future and realize help is needed, thereby self-referring in a crisis. (4) The EAP would encourage and educate the employee about the value of signing a release.
January 2018
I Am Afraid to Fire my Employee
Q. I have an employee who gets into fights with customers. He’s had run-ins with coworkers, DUIs, and scrapes with the law. He’s a classic hothead. I want to fire him, but I fear violent retaliation. Can the EAP help or tell me what to do?
A. Your employee has persistent and severe conduct problems. Therefore, a management referral to the EAP is appropriate. You could wait and see whether the EAP can help the employee change his behavior, but you should discuss the postponement of dismissal with your management advisers. The EAP can’t participate in administrative decisions. Always consult with management resources and advisers when you fear for your safety. If you refer him to the EAP, you may wish to view it as an accommodation to help the employee deal with his problems. The EAP will assess anger issues, use of alcohol, and other risk issues. A release will keep you apprised of participation and cooperation with program recommendations. Note that you always should refer employees to an EAP at the earliest sign of persistent conduct issues. This affords a better opportunity to intervene with chronic employee behavioral problems, which often grow worse.
Can EAP Assist With Employees' Bad Attitude?
Q. My employee’s work is good, and frankly, he is my best mechanic. There is nothing to document regarding performance, but he has a bad attitude with his lack of humor, gruff style, isolation, and cynicism; he does not mesh well with us. Can the EAP help? &
A. Yes, the EAP can help. You do have job performance issues that you can document and upon which you can base a referral. It’s attitude at work. Attitude can be described in a way that makes it measurable. The EAP can consult with you on useful language to consider in documentation, and it will do so with you confidentially. Useful language is critical because your organization may need such memos in the future to support performance management decisions. The task is to describe the manner in which your employee conducts himself, the disposition and temperament he displays, and most important, the impact on others. This is key to effective documentation—describing the harm or cost to the organization in lost productivity, lower morale, conflict, lost team cohesion, etc.
How Can I Determine if My Employee Has an Anxiety Disorder?
Q. I recently read that anxiety is common among workers of all ages, especially younger workers. What performance or workplace symptoms would indicate an employee suffers with an anxiety disorder? &
A. Looking for mental health symptoms is not an efficient way of identifying troubled employees from a management perspective. Focusing on performance standards you want improved and then considering a referral to the EAP when they do not get better is the way to go. Are you puzzled by an employee who turned down a promotion for the third time? What about an employee who always avoids the annual holiday party? These employees may be exhibiting symptoms of two quite different forms of anxiety—or they may not be symptoms of anxiety at all. There is a wide spectrum of anxiety disorders. Everyone experiences some anxiety from time to time, but many with severe forms of anxiety may perform in a superior fashion.
My Company Wants to Put Veterans in the Workplace
Q. We are pushing this year to hire more veterans. It’s the right thing to do, and we believe it will be a win-win. What are some of the key issues we should keep in mind after we begin hiring?
A. Be proactive and communicate effectively with veterans. Surveys of vets who are employed in the civilian workforce find that most think their unique skills—ones that would directly help the employer—aren’t fully or effectively used. So, when supervising vets, dialogue with them about their ideas, skills, and potential. Put them to the test. Vets are trained in taking or giving directions and then performing to their maximum ability. They are not necessarily conditioned to play the devil’s advocate, question authority, hold brainstorming sessions, or delve into discussions about how employees feel. These participatory workplace behaviors of the modern era may require more prompting to pull vets into them. If you are hiring vets, consider the special report released last year that will aid you in maximizing your effectiveness in working with vets. It’s called “Mission Critical: Unlocking the Value of Veterans in the Workforce.” Find it at online bookstores. Don’t forget to make the EAP available and have its message communicated to family members and spouses. These persons can help reach vets if personal problems arise.
Best Practices for Managing Employees With an EAP Referral.
Q. After making a formal supervisor referral to the EAP, why is further communication about participation and cooperation necessary from the EAP? My concern is change or improved job performance. I either see it or I don’t.
A. Communicating with the supervisor following a formal referral for performance problems represents best practice for EAPs in managing troubled workers. It recognizes that employees are motivated, in part, to follow through because of concern over their job security. Eliminating this dynamic reduces accountability and invites a loss of urgency on the part of the EAP client. An EAP does not equate to a counseling service. It is a programmatic approach to managing troubled workers whose performance issues may be caused by personal problems. The two approaches are radically different helping systems. The former is entirely apart from the workplace or any other system. An EAP, on the other hand, exists because of its primary business purpose, which is helping the workforce remain happy, healthy, and productive. Part of this must be motivating the most difficult and most troubled workers to follow through with its recommendations